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Assess Your Marketing Automation Platform for Streamlined Performance

Industry leading marketing automation tools

Discover how well your current setup aligns with industry standards and best practices.

  1. Marketing Automation Setup Check:
    Is your setup meeting industry benchmarks or falling behind?
  2. Best Practices Alignment:
    Are your strategies up-to-date with industry best practices, or are you missing out on efficiency gains?
  3. Platform Utilization:
    Are you fully leveraging your marketing automation platform’s potential or barely scratching the surface?
  4. Lead Scoring Effectiveness:
    Does your lead scoring system accurately prioritize leads, or are opportunities slipping through?
  5. Technology Integration:
    Are your tech stack and marketing automation platform perfectly synced, or are integration gaps slowing you down?
  6. CRM Data Flow Errors:
    Are technical issues obstructing crucial data flow to your CRM, risking lead loss and sales inefficiency?
  7. Reporting Completeness and Funnel Visibility:
    Can you confidently track your entire funnel with your current reporting, or are blind spots leaving you in the dark?

Marquee Project has a team of experienced marketing automation specialists who understand the intricacies of platforms like Marketo and HubSpot. We’ll provide you with actionable insights and recommendations to optimize your setup and drive better results.


63% of companies are outperforming their competitors because they use marketing automation


39% of businesses said they struggle with marketing automation tools mainly because they lack training and knowledge.


45% of marketers think that identifying and scoring leads is the most important part of marketing automation.

Client Testimonials

Director of Demand Generation

SAAS Corporation in San Francisco

I had the pleasure of partnering with Marquee Project, and I couldn't be more impressed with the results. With their guidance and expertise, we were able to develop a comprehensive nurture program that not only increased MQL delivery by 10% but also significantly improved prospect engagement activity. Marquee Project's assistance was instrumental in orchestrating programs across multiple martech platforms, ensuring that we delivered targeted content to our audience at the right time of their buyer journey. This strategic approach was key to enhancing our customer onboarding experience and driving measurable results.

Head of Marketing

Software Company

I'm thrilled to share my experience working with Marquee Project - they truly exceeded all expectations. Not only were they incredibly knowledgeable about marketing automation platforms like Marketo and HubSpot, but they were also an absolute pleasure to work with. They didn't just provide a service - they became a trusted partner in our journey to improve our marketing automation setup. With their expertise, we were able to identify and address flaws that were hindering our success. Their guidance was invaluable in revamping the way we scored leads and measured campaign performance across all channels. Before working with them, we were struggling to understand which channels were driving leads and if those leads were converting into opportunities. Now, thanks to their support, we have a clear understanding of our entire funnel.


Software Company

As the CEO of a start-up, I can confidently say that partnering with Marquee Project has been a game-changer for our company. They showed us that with the right strategies and efficient workflows, we could double our campaign launches and make a stronger impact on our target audience. Despite having a small team, Marquee Project helped us scale and expedite our campaign launches, demonstrating that working smart is just as important as working hard. Their organization and expertise were evident throughout the process, and they went above and beyond to teach us how to project manage all our programs effectively. By building a repeatable workflow, we were able to launch campaigns with supporting material that made a significant impact on our audience. We no longer felt limited by our resources - instead, our launches allowed us to effectively engage with our audience and educate them on our offerings. They played a crucial role in aligning our efforts with the sales team, ensuring that we were all working towards the same goal: closed deals.

Marketing Automation

We help you run more efficiently through the use of sophisticated marketing automation techniques.

Campaign Management

Streamline your marketing campaigns by partnering with us.

SEO and Creative Support

Provide you with eye-catching designs that keep up with the latest industry trends.

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